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Benefits of Hormone Therapy for Men

While the benefits of hormone therapy for men may not be as widely recognized as the benefits for women, the fact remains that hormone replacement therapy is a powerful tool for both men and women. The better you understand the benefits hormone therapy offers for men, the faster you can make informed choices about whether they appeal to you.

What Are the Effects of Low Testosterone in Men?

Low testosterone may be the result of many things, resulting in the need for hormone therapy for men. Unfortunately, the side effects of low testosterone are fairly consistent among the men who experience them. They include many different symptoms, and many men experience one or more of these side effects.

  • Loss of muscle mass.
  • Increased belly fat.
  • Hair loss.
  • Developing man boobs.
  • Frequent urination and difficulty urinating.
  • Night sweats.
  • Fatigue.
  • Hot flashes.
  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • Hair loss.
  • Anxiety.
  • Depression.
  • Memory loss.
  • Irritability.

Of course, for some men it is the sexual side effects that hit home most profoundly. These symptoms include a loss of interest in sex, or low libido, and erectile dysfunction that makes it difficult to gain, maintain, or sustain an erection.

Who Needs Hormone Therapy for Men?

Once primarily associated with age, low testosterone levels in men is increasingly common among younger male populations with 20 percent of men between the ages of 15 and 39 experiencing testosterone deficiencies. You may have been taught that low testosterone is something that happens as you age, and you can’t do anything about it. That simply isn’t true. Not anymore.

Today, the science exists to help men recover lost testosterone and enjoy the many benefits that restoring balance to your testosterone levels provides. So, who needs hormone therapy for men – and why?

If you have low testosterone levels, the odds are good that your health can benefit from hormone therapy. Not only will it be a huge boost to your self-esteem to recover the physique that seems to have dipped with your testosterone levels, but it can also boost your health as well. For instance, excessive belly fat can make you a candidate for type 2 diabetes and other potentially devastating health conditions. A loss of muscle mass makes you vulnerable to slips, trips, and falls. Plus, anxiety and depression, which are often related to low T levels, are destructive in their own rights – often triggering cascading effects that leave you feeling helpless to recover.

All of this is before you even address the sexual health issues caused by low testosterone levels. Issues few men wish to contemplate, and fewer still, to discuss. The younger men are when these symptoms begin appearing, the longer they have, potentially, to cause devastation to your physical and mental health. Addressing the problem sooner, rather than later, is the recommended course of action.

How Can Hormone Therapy for Men Help You?

Aside from relieving the symptoms mentioned above, there are other potential benefits to consider when choosing hormone therapy for men. These benefits include overall health benefits such as increased bone density and strength, lower levels of anemia, and reduced risks of heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular events.

Unfortunately, most of the studies conducted at this point focused on health benefits and potential pitfalls for older men using hormone therapy rather than younger men. The reality is that the recent discovery of so many younger men experiencing these lower testosterone levels is somewhat alarming, medically speaking. It could lead to longer-term problems such as infertility and chronic health conditions if left unaddressed for long. Men experiencing symptoms similar to those listed above, especially men in the age range of 15-39 should carefully consider the benefits hormone therapy has to offer on a large scale as you have a longer life expectancy on the other side of hormone therapy.

Why Choose Optimal Body and Wellness for Hormone Therapy?

Hormone therapy for men is something you shouldn’t take too lightly. It’s an important decision with weight consequences. You need to work with an organization that has the experience and knowledge to help you make informed choices about whether this is the right choice for you at this stage in your life and how much, realistically, you can expect to change as a result of your treatment.

That is what you will find at Optimal Body and Wellness. If you live in the Orlando area, you will find a compassionate, caring, and discrete team of professionals available to answer all your questions about testosterone therapy for men and what it can mean for you. Contact us today to learn more or call 407-785-1014 to find answers to your questions about hormone therapy for men and so much more.